2025 Living Islam
Sat Feb 15, 2025 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
Note: Registration will cover the dates for the entirety of 2025.
Our monthly Living Islam gatherings create a time and place to explore the issues specific to entering into the faith of Islam. There may be cultural, experiential, or emotional challenges you are facing and need insight into. As an institution founded with the primary mission to support new converts to Islam, M.E.C.C.A. takes your questions and concerns seriously. We are here to provide answers to your questions and help you in any way we can.
Our free monthly Living Islam Gathering is typically held on every 3rd Saturday of the month with Ustadh Tariq Ameer. It will take place online on Zoom.
Next Date: Saturday, February 15th from 6:30pm-8:30pm
In shaa Allah, we will also have the event streamed onto Facebook and Youtube as well for which you need not register.
Please note that if you wish to join on Zoom in a more interactive environment, then registration is REQUIRED but is free of cost.
This is a nonjudgmental space and all questions are welcome 🙂 Please share this event with anyone who can benefit!
🎥 Curious about what our Living Islam gatherings look like? Check out previous livestreams in our Youtube playlist here.